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  • "Мая Радзiма - Беларусь! Мой горад - мая любоў!" "Мая Радзiма - Беларусь! Мой горад - мая любоў!"
  • "Мая Радзiма - Беларусь!               Мой горад - мая любоў!" "Мая Радзiма - Беларусь! Мой горад - мая любоў!"
Главная -  Executive power -  Commission on juvenile affairs

Commission on juvenile affairs

Commission on Juvenile

Affairs address: 225409, Baranovichi, Lenin Square, 2.327

phone: +375(163) 65 36 69, (163) 65 17 78

e-mail: kdn@baranovichi-gik.gov.by

Head: Shcherbakov Vadim Yusefovich

reception time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month: 8.00 - 13.00

Deputy: Yurchik Svetlana Nikolaevna

reception time: every Thursday of the month from 8.00 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 15.00 (79 Sovetskaya str.). 212)

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs of the City Executive Committee, within its competence: implements measures provided for by law to coordinate the activities of bodies, institutions and other organizations engaged in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; develop comprehensive measures (programs) for the prevention of neglect, juvenile delinquency, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of minors, as well as monitor them implementation; participate in the development of regulatory legal acts on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors; carry out legal propaganda among minors, teaching groups and the public; carry out measures to protect, restore and realize the rights and legitimate interests of minors, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness, and the commission of offenses by minors; monitor the conditions of upbringing, education and detention of minors in institutions that prevent neglect and offenses of minors; apply to the court on issues related to the placement of minors in special educational and medical educational institutions, as well as on other issues provided for by law; consider complaints and applications from minors, their parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees related to violations of the rights and legitimate interests of minors; provide assistance in the work and household arrangements of minors released from institutions of the penal enforcement system or returned from special educational and medical educational institutions, assist in determining the forms of placement of other minors in need of state protection, as well as perform other functions to provide social assistance to minors provided for by law; invite to their meetings to obtain information and clarifications on the issues under consideration from officials, specialists and other citizens and; make representations to state bodies and other organizations in order to eliminate violations of the rights and legitimate interests of minors; make proposals to hold officials of state bodies and other organizations accountable in cases of non-compliance with the decisions of commissions on juvenile affairs, as well as failure to take measures to eliminate violations of the rights and legitimate interests of minors specified in the submissions of commissions on cases minors; apply measures of influence against minors, their parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, other persons in cases and in accordance with the procedure provided for by law; perform the functions of guardianship and guardianship authorities when making a decision on recognizing a child in need of state protection, on removing a child from parents (one of the parents), establishing the status of children remaining without parental care, about placing a child on state support; exercise other powers to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency provided for by law.
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