Address: 225409 Baranovichi, Lenin Square, 2.
No. 122 phone: +375 (163) 65-36-87
head: Semashko Andrey Mikhailovich
Secretary of the commission: phone: +375 (163) 65-16-08
The administrative commission is a permanent collegial body created and performing functions in accordance with the Regulation "on the administrative commission at Baranovichi City the Executive Committee", decisions of the local executive and administrative body and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus.
The Administrative Commission considers cases of administrative offenses in the cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation on administrative offenses.
The main tasks of the administrative commission are:
the application of administrative measures against persons who have committed administrative offenses;
prevention of administrative offenses;
education of citizens in the spirit of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
The meeting of the Administrative Commission is convened by the executive Secretary of the commission in coordination with the chairman of the administrative commission (in case of his absence - with the deputy chairman of the administrative commission) as necessary, but at least once every 15 days.
The meeting of the Administrative Commission is held at the location of the local executive committee, at which the administrative commission is formed, or in a specially designated room, as well as at the place of work, study or residence of persons in respect of whom cases of administrative offenses are being considered.