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  • My Motherland – Belarus! My City – My Love!My Motherland – Belarus! My City – My Love!
  • My Motherland – Belarus! My City – My Love!My Motherland – Belarus! My City – My Love!
  • My Motherland – Belarus! My City – My Love!My Motherland – Belarus! My City – My Love!
Main -  Administration -  Vice-Chairmen -  Kozeka Alexander Ivanovich

Kozeka Alexander Ivanovich

Management of the construction complex. Coordination of work in the implementation of the city's housing policy, architectural and construction activities, land management.Coordination of the activities of state and economic bodies of the city to prevent and eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters. Control over the implementation of social standards for servicing the population of the city in supervised industries, the implementation of measures to modernize supervised industries, the implementation of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus of March 11, 2004. № 1 «On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline».

- energy of all forms of ownership;
- energy conservation;
- economy and rational use of fuel and energy, material, monetary resources, timely payments for consumed energy resources to the budget and extra-budgetary funds;
- material, technical and secondary resources;
- city commission for monitoring the implementation of payments for natural gas, electric and thermal energy;
- city Inspectorate of natural resources and environmental protection;
- improvement of the city;
- operation and repair of housing stock;
- unified settlement and reference center;
- heat and gas supply;
- ecology and sanitary cleaning of the city;
- road safety commissions;
- construction, construction and installation, road construction and maintenance organizations;
- design organizations;
- housing construction, including individual;
- construction of social facilities;
- DKUP «Baranovichi City Department of Capital Construction»;
- Baranovichi City Department of Emergency Situations;
- branch of RUE «Brest Agency for State Registration and Land Cadastre»;
- JOINT-stock company «BELGOSEXPERTIZA in the Brest region» Baranovichi branch;
- commissions on emergency situations;
- commissions on land disputes; - housing commissions;
- interdepartmental commission on the recognition of compliance with sanitary and technical requirements of residential premises;
- commission on the organization and conduct of auctions for the right to conclude lease agreements for land plots and for the sale of land plots to private ownership in the city of Baranovichi;
- commission for the implementation of measures to reduce the volume of excess construction in progress;
- timely payment of wages in supervised industries;
- organization of work with senior personnel and the reserve of personnel in the supervised industries;
- implementation of forecast indicators of socio-economic development of the city in the supervised industries;
- compliance with the requirements of legislation on citizens' appeals and administrative procedures in the structural divisions of the City Executive Committee in the field of activity;
- advocacy group № 3;
- development of the mobilization plan of the city of Baranovichi.

Management of the activities of:
- Department of Architecture and Urban Planning;
- Management of Land Management;
- department of housing and communal services;
- department of Economics (in terms of energy conservation and payments for natural gas, electric and thermal energy, water analysis facilities);
- KUMOP housing and communal services «Baranovichskoe housing and communal services» as a management body of housing and communal services of the city;
- The company for the provision of services «Baranovichi administrative and Technical Inspection»;
- state enterprise «Baranovichi City Center of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy»;
- inspection of State Construction Supervision; - information and propaganda group № 3.
BREST OBLAST EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Official website of the Republic of Belarus
Official website of the president of the Republic of Belarus
National legal information website of the Republic of Belarus
National Center for Electronic Services